Strengthen Mitigation Against Floods and Landslides, Ministry Says

Ilustrasi banjir rob
Sumber :
  • VIVA/B.S.Putra

VIVA – The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs suggests all stakeholders strengthen mitigation efforts against floods and landslides, considering the increase in rain intensity.

“Mitigation has become an important measure to reduce the risk of floods and landslides. This will be a common concern of ours,” deputy for the coordination of regional development and disaster mitigation at the ministry, Sudirman, in Jakarta on Tuesday.

Sudirman also explains that there is concern over the potential occurrence of hydrometeorological disasters, including floods and landslides, following the increase in rain intensity. Hydrometeorological disasters are disasters that are caused by the dynamics of water, including rainfall intensity.

Ilustrasi tanah longsor.

Photo :
  • ANTARA Foto/Anis Efizudin

“Therefore, the phenomenon of rainfall intensity and extreme weather happening lately must be addressed with mitigation efforts and increase in the preparedness of all stakeholders, the public included,” he remarked.

People must be educated about facing disasters and mitigation measures, “Thus, people need to increase their vigilance when there is rain with moderate to high rainfall with a long duration," he said.

Meanwhile, the Assistant deputy for disaster mitigation and social conflicts at the ministry, Andre Notohamijoyo, earlier said that the governments of regions prone to hydrometeorological disasters need to be prepared and conduct mitigation measures, which fit with the disaster risks.

"Measures which need to be taken are: first, improve readiness by optimizing the capacity of drainage and water management, as well as absorbency system and water collection to optimally prevent floods and landslides," he stated.

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The second is to improve the capacity and reliability of water bodies, like ponds, and man-made water collection systems. Third, raise the alert status if data from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) points to an increase in rain intensity, which aggravates the risk of floods and landslides.

Fourth, tap into the potential and functions of the Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency, the coordinator of disaster mitigation efforts.

BMKG Prakirakan 15 Provinsi Hujan Lebat, Masyarakat Mesti Waspada Bencana Hidrometeorologi

"The fifth is to establish posts for flood disaster alert," Notohamijoyo added.

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