Toilet Paper Contains Toxic Chemicals for Humans, Study Reveals

Ilustrasi Tisu Toilet.
Sumber :
  • Pixabay/ DizzyRoseblade

VIVA – Toilet paper around the world contains per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) that are likely a huge source of water pollution, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Florida.

Based on study published by the journal Environmental Science & Technology Letters, the research team tested roll paper from 21 major toilet paper brands sold in the Americas, Africa, and Europe, as well as effluent samples from eight wastewater treatment plants in Florida.

Both toilet paper and sewage sludge were found to contain PFAS called diPAP. Thus 6:2 fluorotelomer phosphate diester (6:2 diPAP), was found to be the most abundant compound.

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Tisu Toilet Berlapis Emas

Photo :
  • U-Report

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Based on the findings, available data on PFAS levels in sewage and per capita toilet paper use in other countries, the researchers estimated that toilet paper may contribute up to 89 percent of 6:2 diPAP in wastewater in France, as well as 35 percent in Sweden.
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At the same time, hygienic equipment is only responsible for about 4 percent of the compounds in wastewater in Canada and the United States, according to the study.

Scientists recognize that these sharp differences warrant additional research to explore whether toilet paper could be a larger contributor to total PFAS in North American wastewater and whether PFAS from toilet paper can be transformed through wastewater collection and treatment systems.

Brands using recycled paper and those using non-recycled paper were found to have similar levels of PFAS in them.

The researchers noted that the chemicals are not always consciously used by toilet paper manufacturers, but may have been introduced with the raw paper or come from machinery used in the manufacturing process.

PFAS comprise about 14,000 man-made chemicals that are commonly used to make various consumer goods heat and water resistant. These compounds are commonly known as 'forever chemicals' as they are difficult to break down.

PFAS chemicals end up contaminating groundwater and, eventually, back into the food supply. These chemicals have been linked to various types of cancer, fetal damage, liver and kidney disease, and other serious health problems.
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