Check Tips How to Prepare Your Car for the Rainy Season

Ilustrasi mengemudi mobil saat hujan deras.
Sumber :
  • Dok: ADM

Jakarta – The rainy season in Indonesia usually happens from October to March, but there are some regions that experience continuous rainfall. During this season, there are several important things that can be done to maintain your vehicle, especially car, in good condition.

Preparing your car for the rainy season is essential to ensure your safety and maintain the performance of your vehicle. So, here are some tips how to get your car ready for the rainy season:

Ilustrasi mengemudi mobil di tengah hujan

Photo :
  • Hyundai

1. Check your tires

Make sure your tires have sufficient tread depth and are properly inflated. Good traction is crucial on wet roads, so consider switching to all-weather or rain-specific tires if needed.

2. Inspect windshield wipers

Check the condition of your windshield wipers and replace them if they are worn out or leaving streaks. Clear visibility is vital in rainy conditions, so ensure your wipers are functioning properly.

Angel eyes pada lampu mobil

Photo :
  • Sudibyo

3. Test your lights

Verify that all your exterior lights, including headlights, taillights, brake lights, and turn signals, are in working order. Proper lighting is essential for visibility during heavy rain or fog.

4. Check your brakes

Have your brake system inspected to ensure it is in good condition. Wet roads require extra stopping distance, so functional brakes are critical for your safety.

5. Check the condition of the wiper blades

Inspect the rubber on the wiper blades for any signs of damage or deterioration. Replace them if necessary to ensure effective wiping during heavy rain.

6. Clean the exterior and treat the paint

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Give your car a thorough wash and wax to protect the paint from rain, mud, and other debris. A coat of wax can also help water bead and roll off the surface more easily.

7. Inspect the Car's Electricity

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When it rains, the car's electrical system may work harder, for example to operate the wipers, lights, and others. Make sure that the voltage from the alternator is sufficient to fulfill these needs.

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11 April 2024