When the Right Age to Talk about Sex Education with Children

Ilustrasi orangtua bicara kepada anak.
Sumber :
  • Unsplash

Jakarta – Sex education is basically one of the important things for children even this discussion considered as taboo thing. But, children should be taught sex education at the right age so that they don't go astray.

According to experts, it is important to educate children aboutsex at the right age and in the right way. It can be started from the age of four or five years. Introduce children to their private parts at an early age. They should give complete information of private parts, including the body name. 

The purpose of sex education in children is to help them understand the physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty, encourage responsible attitudes towards sexuality, teach about reproductive health, and help them develop good communication skills and wise decision-making.

Parents and educators play an important role in providing correct sexual education and harmonizing the family's cultural and religious values. Thus, children can understand the importance of maintaining sexual health and respecting themselves and others in interpersonal relationships. 

Sex education also focuses on teaching good communication and decision-making skills related to these issues. 

Ilustrasi parenting/orangtua dan anak.

Photo :
  • Freepik/senivpetro

When is the right age?  

The right age for sex education in children varies depending on the maturity level and interests of the child, as well as cultural values and family norms. In general, the topic of sexuality and reproduction can be introduced to children from an early age in a way that is appropriate for their level of understanding. 

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In most countries, formal sexual education usually begins in pre-adolescence, around the ages of 9 to 12, when children begin to show interest and ask questions about their bodies and the changes that occur at puberty. At this age, the information provided should be tailored to their age level and level of understanding. 

Parents and educators have an important role in helping children understand the topic of sexuality in a responsible and healthy way. This includes providing accurate information, supporting openness in talking about sexuality, and teaching values about respecting oneself and others.

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Always remember that every child develops in a different way, so it's important to respect individual differences and ensure an appropriate and sensitive approach in providing sex education to children. 

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