Why Headphones Cause Ear Pain: How to Stop It

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  • Dok: Bose

Jakarta – Many people spend hours using headphones whether it's for listening to music, playing video games, teleconferencing or simply watching a movie. 

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However, some of people may have experienced discomfort or even pain in our ears after wearing a headset for a long time. So, why it can be happen? here's to know. 

1. Pressure on the Earlobe

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Over-ear or on-ear headsets have shells that press directly on our earlobes. The constant pressure from the headset's shells, especially when used for a long duration, can cause the earlobes to become painful.

2. Excessive Volume

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Listening to sounds at a very high volume through headsets can cause acoustic trauma that leads to pain in the inner ear. Additionally, prolonged exposure to loud sounds can increase the risk of hearing damage.

3. Ear Infections

Bacteria can multiply inside the headset's ear pads if not cleaned regularly, especially if the headset is used by many people. These bacteria can trigger infections in the earlobe or the outer ear canal, known as external otitis.

Ilustrasi headset

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  • Pixabay

4. Allergic Reactions

Some people may be allergic to the materials used in the ear pads or headband of the headset, such as rubber, foam, or other synthetic materials. These allergic reactions can cause itching, redness, and pain in areas that come into contact with the headset.

5. Prolonged Usage Duration

Wearing a headset for a long time without breaks can increase pressure on the head and ears, which can eventually lead to pain.

6. Managing and Prevention

How to Stop the Ear Pain

- Use Headsets Wisely

Avoid using headsets at maximum volume and take breaks every hour of usage.

- Choose Comfortable Headsets

Consider selecting headsets with soft and breathable ear pads and adjustable bands.

- Clean Headsets Regularly

Ensure that the headset's ear pads are always clean from dirt and sweat to prevent bacterial growth.

- Consult a Doctor

If the pain continues or is accompanied by other symptoms such as discharge or reduced hearing, consult a doctor promptly.

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