Jokowi Responds on Pertamina's Plans Removing Pertalite in 2024

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Sumber :
  • VIVA/Muhamad Solihin

Tangerang – A Jakarta-based Indonesian state-owned oil and gas company, Pertamina plans to stop selling Pertalite fuel oil by 2024. This company stated that it will only sell Pertamax type fuel consisting of three products.

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Responding this, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) admitted that he had not received information regarding Pertamina's plan to remove Pertalite.

"No, I have not received that information," Jokowi said at Nusantara Hall ICE BSD, Tangerang, Banten on Thursday.

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Photo :
  • BPH Migas

Previously reported, Pertamina stated that the type of gasoline fuel sold in 2024 is only Pertamax which consists of three products. Later, Pertalite products will no longer be found at gas stations, or it will be removing soon.

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Pertamina President Director, Nicke Widyawati explained that two years ago, Pertamina had started the Blue Sky program. For the first program, it has increased subsidized fuel RON 88 to RON 90.

"This we continue according to plan is the second phase of the Blue Sky Program. Where we increase the subsidy from RON 90 to RON 92, because KLHK regulations state that the octane number that can be sold in Indonesia is at least 91," Widyawati said in a working meeting with Commission VII of the House of Representatives on Wednesday.

Widyawati said, next year Pertamina will only sell three gasoline products, namely Pertamax Green 92, Pertamax Green 95 and Pertamax Turbo.

"Next year, there will only be three products, the first is Pertamax Green 92 by mixing RON 90 with 7 percent ethanol, we call it e7. The second is Pertamax Green 95 which mixes Pertamax with 8 percent ethanol, and the third is Pertamax Turbo," Widyawati explained. 

Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi)

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