Siomay Wins Best-rated Street Food in the World Based Taste Atlas

Siomay Bandung
Sumber :
  • cookpad

Jakarta Siomay, one of the Indonesian snacks has been ranked as the first place winner in the "best-rated street food in the world" category, according to the Taste Atlas - an encyclopedia of flavors, a world atlas of traditional dishes, local ingredients, and authentic restaurants.

Jualan Snack Laris Manis, FKS Food Bukukan Laba Rp 27 Miliar Kuartal I-2024

Taste Atlas conveys that the rankings are generated from the votes of their readers who rate each food. They claim that before giving the ratings, the readers have to go through a series of mechanisms to differentiate between humans and bots.

Besides Siomay, on the list, another Indonesian food, Batagor Bandung, also ranked 6th with a score of 4.8.

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Bandung's Siomay and Batagor are very good foods to eat after being doused with peanut sauce, soy sauce and sambal, it added. 

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Photo :
  • Paramitha
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Siomay is made from fresh mackerel fish, tappioca flour, and egg whites. It is served with boiled eggs, steamed potatoes, cabbage, tofu, and bitter melon. 

After they have been steamed, all ingredients are assembled on a plate, cut into bite-sized pieces, and generously drizzled with a spicy peanut sauce.

The final touch to the dish is a splash of sweet soy and chili sauce, along with a drizzle of lime juice. In Indonesia, siomay is an everyday dish that is especially beloved by students. It is a common staple at hawker centers (traditional Indonesian outdoor food courts).

The dish has been heavily influenced by Chinese culinary tradition, and it is believed to have originated among Chinese immigrants who came to Indonesia during the Dutch colonial period.

Siomay surpassed Crepes from France, Pastel de Nata from Portugal, Guotie from China, and many more in this category. 

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