Jokowi Receives Golden Indonesia 2045 Road Map Book

President Jokowi receives Golden Indonesia 2045 Road Map Book from Kadin
Sumber :

Kalimantan – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on last Friday received the Golden Indonesia 2045 road map book from Chair of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Arsjad Rasjid

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"The handover of the road map book of Golden Indonesia by Arsjad Rasjid, chairman of Kadin, to the government, we will use this as material in planning the road map to Golden Indonesia 2045," the Head of State said during the Nusantara (Archipelago) night on Friday, East Kalimantan. 

The Head of State said that those who will enjoy Golden Indonesia in the future are members of the current young generation

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Presiden Joko Widodo

Photo :
  • Kemenkominfo

"Later, people who will enjoy this is the young generation," the President said. 

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President Widodo also expressed appreciation to Kadin Indonesia due to the handover the book. 

"Once again, Mr. Rasjid, thank you for your suggestions regarding the 2045 Golden Indonesia Road Map," the President expressed. 

President Widodo continued: "Hopefully, what we plan through this road map can realize an Advanced Indonesia, a Golden Indonesia 2045, Insyaallah."

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Projo Curiga PDIP Pakai Taktik Politik Belah Bambu: Ada Upaya Pisahkan Jokowi dengan Prabowo

Projo yakin taktik PDIP itu gagal karena Prabowo dan Jokowi tak bisa dipisahkan.

31 Mei 2024