Minister of Religious Affairs Wishes Merry Christmas: God's Love Be With All

Yaqut Cholil Qoumas
Sumber :
  • Humas Kemenag

Jakarta – The Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas wished a Merry Christmas to all Christians who celebrate it. 

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"I, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs, wish you a Merry Christmas 2023 and a Happy New Year 2024. May God's peace and love be with us all," the Minister said in Jakarta on Sunday. 

Christmas always brings joy to Christians everywhere, he added. Christmas symbolizes purity and the arrival of various goodness that comes with it.

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"Amid this joy, I invite all Christians to continue spreading the values of goodness without knowing boundaries and wrapping various identities," the Minister said. 

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Photo :
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"Glory to God and Peace on Earth carries the message of the importance of Peace (Shalom). Peace is a peaceful, harmonious, and serene atmosphere, not only related to the relationship between humans and God, but also between fellow humans, and between humans and the universe," the Minister continued. 

He also mentioned: "This message of peace is very important in welcoming the democratic elections on February 14, 2024. Whatever our political choices, peace and harmony must be prioritized."

This year's Christmas theme is also very relevant to the challenges of climate change that are sweeping the world. 

"Christmas celebrations must be able to make us more concerned about the preservation of nature. All forms of environmental destruction that are very dangerous for the survival of all creatures must be stopped," Minister Qoumas stated. 

It is our responsibility to keep the earth sustainable and peaceful, he concluded. 

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