VP Amin Suggests Islamic World Must Focus on Resolving Gaza Conflict

Indonesian Vice President Maruf Amin
Sumber :
  • VIVA.co.id/Arianti Widya

Abu Dhabi – Indonesian Vice President (VP) Ma'ruf Amin emphasized the need for solidarity among Muslims worldwide to continue focus on resolving conflict in the Gaza Strip, Palestine.

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VP highlighted this issue in light of the ongoing escalation of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, despite various international efforts to stop the genocide against the Gaza population.

"Unity of voice and determination of the Islamic world are required to fairly address the Palestinian issue," said VP Amin during a meeting with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed Al-Tayeb, in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates, on Monday.

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Wakil Presiden RI, KH Maruf Amin

Photo :
  • BPMI Setwapres

He emphasized that the genocidal actions carried out by Israeli forces against the Palestinian people must be immediately stopped as they have violated laws, ethics, and norms.

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"These attacks clearly violate international law and humanitarian values," he stated, expressing concern about the plight of Muslim residents in Gaza.

"I feel sad that the world is powerless to stop Israel's atrocities in Gaza," 

Before concluding his meeting with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ma'ruf expressed hope for a fair resolution to the conflict in Gaza.

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