BIN Shows Commitment to Maintain Security of IKN Nusantara

IKN Nusantara.
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  • Widya

Kalimantan – Principal Secretary of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) Commissioner General of Police Bambang Sunarwibowo said that cooperation between BIN and IKN is needed to face complex changes in the environment, both at the global and regional levels.

Ketua KIP Sebut BIN Tak Perlu Keterbukaan Informasi Publik, Ini Alasannya

“Cooperation between IKN and BIN is very significant in facing the growing threats, ranging from conventional security threats to cyber threats,” Sunarwibowo said on Wednesday.

He further added that BIN is ready to cooperate with OIKN to strengthen the defense and security system in IKN Nusantara.

Gara-gara Tiket Pesawat Mahal, 20% Pekerja di IKN Belum Balik Usai Mudik Lebaran

Pembangunan IKN Nusantara

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  • Dok. PUPR

One of these efforts is implemented through the preparation of an Artificial Intelligence (AI)--based defense and security system centered on the One Signal Network.

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In the same place, IKN Authority Secretary Achmad Jaka Santos Adiwijaya explained that IKN Nusantara will become a safe, modern, and sustainable center of government. 

“The defense and security system built integrates various aspects of military and non-military defense, which are aligned with diplomacy and supported by smart defense that is being built and developed by the Ministry of Defense,” Adiwijaya explained.

“We have integrated this smart security concept with ongoing policies and programs, including with related parties such as BIN to maintain security and order at IKN Nusantara,” he concluded.

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