MK Appreciates Activists Aspirations on Regional Election Law

Aksi di Depan Gedung MK
Sumber :
  • Longdong

Jakarta, VIVA – Spokesperson for the Constitutional Court (MK), Fajar Laksono appreciated the aspirations expressed by activists and professors to the Court on Thursday (Aug 22).

Kata KPU Soal Presiden Prabowo Wacanakan Kepala Daerah Dipilih oleh DPRD

“We are proud and pleased to see figures, professors, artists, and academics voicing their aspirations,” he said in Jakarta.

He explained that representatives from dozens of activists and professors had expressed their hopes to the constitutional judges.

Prabowo Sebut Pilkada Mahal dan Usul Kepala Daerah Dipilih oleh DPRD, Ini Komentar Ketua DPD RI

For context, these activists and professors visited the Constitutional Court to show their support for the institution concerning the revision of the Regional Head Election Bill (RUU Pilkada).

Juru Bicara MK, Fajar Laksono.

Photo :
  • Fatahillah Ilham
RK-Suswono Legawa Kalah di Pilgub Jakarta, PAN: Kami Mengapresiasi Hasil yang Didapat Pramono-Rano

They hope that the government, especially President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the House of Representatives (DPR), will not be greedy for power.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian DPR has confirmed that the Pilkada draft will not be enacted, and the Constitutional Court's (MK) decision on regional head elections (Pilkada) will be enforced. This was affirmed by Deputy Speaker of the DPR, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, on August 22, 2024.

Ahmad ensured that the decision from the Constitutional Court (MK), which accepted the challenge from the Labor Party and the Gelora Party, will be implemented during the registration of pilkada for the elections on August 27, 2024.

“The ruling from the MK judicial review, which granted the petition from the Labor Party and the Gelora Party, will be in effect,” Ahmad emphasized.

Sekjen DPP PKS Aboe Bakar Al Habsyi.

Sekjen PKS Setuju Usulan Presiden Prabowo:  Evaluasi Menyeluruh Sistem Pilkada Serentak

Sekjen Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, atau PKS, Aboe Bakar Alhabsyi, menilai memang perlu dievaluasi menyeluruh terkait sistem pilkada langsung. Ia merespons, usulan Prabowo.

14 Desember 2024