Minister Urges Religious Instructors to Preach with Wisdom

Kementerian Agama menyelenggarakan Retreat Penyuluh Agama Pejuang Moderasi Berag
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Muhammad AR

Bogor, VIVA – Minister of Religious Affairs, Nasaruddin Umar, reminded religious instructors to preach with wisdom and prudence, avoiding claims of absolute truth or labeling others as heretics.

Dampak Efisiensi Anggaran di Kementerian Agama, Menag Nasaruddin Beri Penjelasan

This was conveyed during the National Retreat for Religious Moderation Advocates held in Bogor, West Java.

“People who often blame others indicate they still have much to learn. However, those who refrain from blaming others have already learned and achieved wisdom,” Minister Nasaruddin stated in Bogor.

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Menteri Agama RI Nasaruddin Umar sesuai menghadiri peringatan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia di Kantor Kementerian Agama, Jakarta, Senin, 2 Desember 2024.

Photo :
  • ANTARA/Asep Firmansyah

Meanwhile, the Director of Islamic Religious Information, Ahmad Zayadi, explained that the theme of the retreat reflects a collective effort to reflect on, formulate, and strengthen the practice of religious moderation values that have been implemented in more than 1,000 Religious Moderation Villages (KMB) across Indonesia.

"This retreat is not only a platform for capacity building but also a moment to foster a stronger collective awareness. All participants are expected to become advocates and agents of religious moderation, systematically disseminating the reflections and incubated values of moderation to their respective regions. The process of this transmission, God willing, will continue sustainably to build a harmonious and inclusive society," Zayadi stated during the event’s opening ceremony.

Additionally, the Director General of Community Guidance, Kamaruddin Amin, emphasized the vital role of religious instructors as the frontline in maintaining social harmony within society.

Menag Nasaruddin Berpesan, Peringatan Isra Miraj Dijadikan Persiapan Sambut Ramadan

“Religious instructors are a fundamental entity for the Indonesian nation. They are the pioneers of social stability, especially when facing threats from transnational ideologies or parties seeking to undermine national values,” he remarked.

Amin also highlighted the crucial role of religious instructors in addressing global issues such as climate change.

“Religious instructors can become spearheads in mitigating the impacts of climate change. They are not only tasked with discussing religion but also taking tangible actions to create a green, healthy, and harmonious environment,” he concluded.

Pemantauan Hilal Untuk Menentukan Awal Puasa Ramadhan. (ilustrasi)

Kemenag Gelar Sidang Isbat Awal Ramadan pada 28 Februari 2025

Kementerian Agama melalui situs resminya telah menetapkan jadwal sidang isbat penentuan awal Ramadan 1446 Hijriyah. Rencananya sidang isbat digelar pada 28 Februari 2025.

11 Februari 2025