Indonesia Prone to Climate Change Effects

Banjir bandang di Wasior, Papua
Sumber :
  • AP Photo/Abdul Muin

VIVAnews - Indonesia is highly susceptible to the impacts of climate change, with real ramifications being felt in low-lying islands and farming communities. Changing weather patterns are creating an increase in droughts and floods, said the head of AusAID program in Indonesia, Jacqui De Lacy. 

"If no action is taken, the situation will only get worse for Indonesians," said De Lacy at the opening of an exhibition today in Jakarta.

She reminded that Indonesia is home to the third largest area of tropical forest in the world, but it also ranks among "the world’s highest for deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions.” 

As a neighbor, Australia is committed to working with Indonesia to help achieve its climate change and development objectives. This commitment also includes working with Indonesia to adapt and build resilience to the impacts of climate change.
"Australia is a proud participant in the global fight to protect and sustainably manage forests, committing A$100 million to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesia alone," added De Lacy.

Australia is working with Indonesia to save standing forests, restore those which have been degraded and develop alternative livelihoods for rural communities to reduce unplanned deforestation.

This bilateral cooperation on climate change, delivered through Australia ’s aid program (AusAID), is on display at the "Indonesia Climate Change Education Forum and Expo" held at the Jakarta Convention Centre on May 26-29 2011.

At the Expo, guests will be exposed first-hand to peat lands from Central Kalimantan , herbarium and plants, and children will be educated about the importance of climate change through educational games.

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25 April 2024