Corruption Issue

Two Reasons for Corruption

VIVAnews - Political analyst from University of Indonesia, Andrinof Chaniago, claimed that there are two reasons of why members of the House of Representatives (DPR) are involved in corruption. "The first [reason] is that it is a consequence of high-cost politics," said Chaniago on Thursday, March 5. 

This situation is related to the alleged bribery case concerning member of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Faction, DPR Commission of Transportation, Abdul Hadi Djamal. Djamal was arrested on Monday, March 2. In addition to apprehending Djamal, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) also captured an official of the Department of Transportation, Darmawati Dareho, and Commissioner of PT Kurnia Jaya Wira Bakti, Hontjo Kurniawan.

According to him, the high-cost politics also appears by virtue of two grounds including the recruitment system and party's promotion that are not based on one's excellence. In addition, said Chaniago, the candidates of DPR members are introduced with material compensation since the beginning. 

Another reason causing DPR members involving in corruption is that they have a desire to elevate their social status using wealth as their measurement. According to Chaniago, the DPR members believe that wealth and certain way of life may upgrade their social status.

Perasaan Shin Tae-yong Usai Timnas Indonesia U-23 Singkirkan Korea Selatan


Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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