Central Bank: Credit Growth Considered Sound

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  • VivaNews/ Nur Farida

VIVAnews - Bank Indonesia (BI) revealed that up until July 2011, bank credit growth reached 23.5 percent. Meanwhile, the 2011 Bank Business Plan (RBB) shows that the growth is in the range of 22 to 24 percent.

"There has been no significant development. But it is still in line with the RBB," said BI Deputy Governor Muliaman D Hadad, at the Bank Indonesia building, Jakarta.

The bank credit growth, according to Hadad, was supported by high working capital credit investment and consumptions, including automotive credit such as motorcycles and cars. "But, with regard to policy, the loan to value or DP (down payment) in the motor vehicle sector will not yet be implemented," he said.

Hadad asserted, the growth of both of these are still considered normal, so the policy will not be applied yet in the near future.

Based on data from Bank Indonesia released on Wednesday, August 3, 2011, the banking industry channeled Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) credit amounting to Rp106.6 trillion up to July 2011.

Meanwhile, up to June 2011, the national banking industry channeled Rp42.3 trillion for SMEs credit.

The state-run banks channeled credit the most, which amounted to Rp29.3 trillion. Came after them are national private banks with Rp11.9 trillion, mixed banks Rp266.7 billion, and foreign banks amounting to Rp448.1 billion.

Based on the data, the Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (rural credit bank) had disbursed SMEs loans amounting to Rp1.39 trillion.


Translated by: Indah Lestari