Indonesia Gets Two Golds at 2023 Rock Climbing World Cup in France

Rajiah Salsabillah (tengah) raih emas pada Piala Dunia Panjat Tebing di Prancis
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France – Indonesia won two gold and two bronze medals at the IFSC Rock Climbing World Cup which took place on Friday-Sunday, July 7-9 in Chamonix, France.

Indonesian four medals came from the men's and women's speed numbers. From the men's speed number, Rahmad Adi Mulyono became the best after the final recorded a time of 5.01 seconds. He beat Rishat Khaibullin from Kazakhstan who clocked 5.05 seconds.

"I was very happy and excited because this is my first gold medal in a World Cup competition. We all train hard together as a team, more like a family, and this pushes us for every competition. And now I'm looking forward to the World Championships," Mulyono said in a written statement on Sunday.

For Mulyono, this is his first gold on the rock climbing world stage. This is a trigger to continue to train even harder in facing other world championships.

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Photo :
  • VIVAnews / Dede Idrus

In the same number, Indonesian representative Nursamsa Raharjati also brought home bronze after the third-place match posted a time of 5.323 seconds, beating Japanese representative Jun Yasukawa with a time of 5.324 seconds.

In the women's sector, Indonesia's gold came from Rajiah Salsabillah who clocked 6.97 seconds in the final, beating Andrier Victoire from France with a time of 9.59 seconds.

Then Nurul Iqamah won the battle for third place with a time of 7.16 seconds beating Shaoqin Zhang from China with 7.17 seconds. For Salsabillah, this result is also the first gold at the World Cup.

"This is my first podium and my first gold. I am very happy, very happy. I am very proud to be here and I have a lot of support from the whole team. I hope to continue and get a medal at the World Championships. I want to thank my family, my coach, the Indonesian team, and all the Indonesians," she stated. 

Responding to the positive achievements of Indonesian rock climbing athletes, Chairperson of the Indonesian Rock Climbing Federation (FPTI) Yenny Wahid said the achievement further added to the confidence that Indonesia's rock climbing achievements would speak a lot at the XXXIII/2024 Olympics in Paris, France.

"I'm very happy about the medals won by our athletes in various championships. I know they work very hard to be in this position. The achievements in strengthening the rock climbing can contribute to medals at the Paris Olympics next year. Please pray from all Indonesian people," Wahid said.