Indonesia Begins to Play Important Role in World Diplomacy

Pidato Presiden Jokowi di Sidang Tahunan MPR RI Bersama DPR dan DPD 2023
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Jakarta – The momentum of Indonesian Chairmanship in the G20 also Indonesia's Chairmanship in ASEAN have made Indonesia plays an important role in world diplomacy

Indonesia's consistency in upholding Human Rights and Equality, as well as success of Indonesia in dealing with the world crisis in the last 3 years has also boosted and put Indonesia back on the world map and in the midst of turbulent world conditions because of the differences.

"Indonesia with its Pancasila, with the harmony of diversity, with the principles of democracy is able to present a space for dialog, able to become a meeting point and bridge the differences that exist," the Head of State said in his state address at the 2023 Annual Session of the MPR RI in Jakarta, on Wednesday. 

Pidato Presiden Jokowi di Sidang Tahunan MPR RI Bersama DPR dan DPD 2023

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  • Youtube Sekretariat Presiden

Australian think tank the Lowy Institute has named Indonesia as a middle power in Asia with diplomatic influence that continues to rise sharply, and Indonesia is one of six Asian countries that have experienced a comprehensive increase in power. 

The President emphasized that with high international trust. Indonesia's credibility will be increasingly recognized. 

"Our sovereignty will be more respected. Indonesia's voice will be heard more, making it easier for us to negotiate," he remarked. 

"We must be able to take advantage of this opportunity. It is a big loss if we miss this opportunity because not all countries have it and it is not certain that we will get it again," he concluded.