Systematic Acts of Violence Launched by FPI

Politisi PDIP Ribka Tjiptaning
Sumber :
  • Antara/ Deni

VIVAnews - Head of Commission IX of the House of Representatives (DPR), Ribka Tjiptaning, deemed the actions launched by the Islamic Defender Front (FPI) have escalated tension among people. The hardliners are believed to have demonstrated systematic acts of violence.

"The FPI has set off systematic yet nationwide acts of violence," she said today, June 30.

Ribka calls on the National Human Rights Commission to put the FPI issues into serious consideration.

According to Ribka, no recommendation has been made regarding legal action against the sporadic acts of violence committed by the FPI.

"The minister of Home Affairs says it is the police that have the rights to disband the organization, while the National Police chief provides an opposing argument because the FPI is seen a mass organization which is under the supervision of Home Affairs minister," she said.

The state officials' statement indicates that the government does not pay attention to the case.

"If it's delayed, we herein firmly state that SBY (the Indonesian president) has organized the FPI to block civil society from exercising their political rights," said Ribka.

The conflict surfaced as a meeting which was attended by Ribka in East Java had been allegedly dismissed by mass organizations including the FPI.

FPI spokesperson, Munarman, denied about the allegation.

"We'll take legal action against those faultfinders including journalists," he said today.


Translated by: Bonardo Maulana W

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