Human Rights

1998 Incident Not Deemed Serious Violation

VIVAnews - 10 years ago on 13-14 May 1998, Jakarta was chaotic. Countless people triggered mass destruction; hundreds of people were burnt and some others disappeared; buildings were set on fire; stores were looted; and scores of Chinese women were subject to sexual abuse. The turmoil was then spread to other regions. A day earlier, four students of Trisakti University were shot to death by security officers.

Governor of National Resilience Institute (Lemhanas) Muladi said that neither the May 1998 tragedy, nor the Semanggi I and Semanggi II incidents are grave violations against Human Rights. Accoding to him, the incidents have criminal elements, especially crimes against humanity in line with Law No.26/2000 on Human Rights Court.

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"[They are] general criminal acts that should be settled using penal code. That's the conclusion of the fact finding team and the House of Representatives (DPR)," said Muladi during a seminar entitled 'Human Rights and National Defense' at the Department of Defense on Thursday, Dec 18.

If the incidents were to be categorized as grave violations of Human Rights, there must be evidence of systemic and widespread attacks targeted at civilians. "In other words, the attacks are part of a state and organizational policy. Therefore, if such cannot be proven, then the conclusion is that they were not grave violations of Human Rights," said Muladi.

Muladi went on to say that the Indonesian Military officers have the authority to use force in the name of the country. "The Indonesian Military cannot be considered as a stake holder that must obey Human Rights; the Indonesian Military officers can also be victims," he said.

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Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono voiced similar opinion. He said that no serious violations against Human Rights were committed in the May 1998, Semanggi I and Semanggi II incidents. "The fact finding team and the DPR of 1999-2004 stated that there were no grave human rights violations," said Sudarsono.

He said that the Indonesian Military has the obligation to safeguard the nation's sovereignty, unity and safety. Whatever duties the Indonesian Military carry out, even with violence, must be observed through the big picture. "Don't judge a soldier a serious violator of Human Rights only because one is a soldier," said Sudarsono during the seminar. 

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Meanwhile, investigations on forced disappearance are being carried out by a Special Team. "We respect the Special Committee in accordance with the procedures," he said.

Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

[dok. Humas PT Waskita Karya]

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