6 January 1946

Yogyakarta Became Capital of Indonesia

VIVAnews - 62 years ago today, on 6 January 1946, the Indonesian government moved its capital to Yogyakarta.

When the Netherlands Indies administration reestablished itself in Indonesia and reoccupied parts of Indonesian including Jakarta (then Batavia), the Indonesian government began a plan to move its capital away from Jakarta.

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After some negotiations, the government chose Yogyakarta as its new capital. Yogyakarta was considered safe since its sultan and its people were all loyal supporters of the young republic.

Soekarno, Hatta, and several other Indonesian officials went to Yogyakarta aboard a special train on 3 January 1946. They arrived in Yogyakarta on 4 January 1946 at 09.00am. Hamengkubuwono IX, then sultan of Yogyakarta, came to the station in person to welcome Soekarno and Hatta.

Two days later, Soekarno formally announced Yogyakarta as the new capital of Indonesia. Gedung Agung, once the office of Dutch officials, was chosen as the state palace and the official residence of President Soekarno. Vice President Hatta took his residence in the building which is now the headquarters of the Military Regional Command in Yogyakarta.

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