On Its 484th Birthday Jakarta Gets Crowded

Pengunjung Pekan Raya Jakarta
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/Nurcholis Anhari Lubis

VIVAnews – People of Jakarta today were celebrating the 484th anniversary the Indonesian capital. Jakarta Governor, Fauzi Bowo, called on the residents to together maintain, take care of and build the metropolitan city. According to Fauzi, this momentum is a good opportunity to evaluate, correct and introspect ourselves for a better Jakarta.

“We are aware that there are still many tasks we haven’t finished, so we must do them. It takes an extra hard work to accomplish the responsibility so that we can cover all fields,” said Fauzi during a morning ceremony commemorating Jakarta’s 484th anniversary at National Monument area, Jakarta, today.

Foke, what Fauzi affectionately called, hopes that at the more mature age, Jakartans can care more about Jakarta. He was aware that several Jakarta’s crucial problems such as traffic jam and flooding cannot be solved only by words or statements, but should be resolved by a range of policies that must be strongly supported by all people.

“We are certain that only with focused hard works, gradually we can solve those problems. I also want to remind you that every solution must bear a consequence of the emergence of a new problem,” he said.

The problems Jakarta is facing, said Foke, are not only specific to Jakarta. All other major cities face the same problems. However, Jakarta’s characteristic is unique compared to other major cities in Indonesia, that is the large population which has reached 10,000 people.

“This is the essence of a very dynamic growth of a city. Happy Jakarta’s 484th anniversary, may the city be more organized and loved,” he said.

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Translated by Indah Lestari

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