School Denies Daughter, Father Enraged

Warga di China memperingati hari AIDS
Sumber :
  • Reuters/China Daily

VIVAnews - Don Bosco Foundation today summoned Fajar Jasmin, a father of a girl called Immi whose enrollment has been denied by the school following Fajar's being HIV positive. 

"I talked to the foundation's representatives around 11 a.m.," Fajar said. 

Fajar Jasmin demands the school to issue a public apology which has to be announced on the mass media over its discriminatory practices toward his daughter. 

To date, Fajar, a Jakarta resident living with HIV, received a text message, exactly on the day when the international community commemorates World AIDS Day, informing him that his daughter had been disallowed entrance to Don Bosco elementary school in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta.

The reason for this was that, according to the school, most students' parents disregarded Fajar's condition. 

The school then proposed a meeting with Fajar.

The agenda of the meeting was supposed to be about tuition fees, and not Fajar’s health. But Fajar was dumbfounded when he revealed that the meeting was aimed at probing his daughter’s medical records.

The foundation’s representatives said that a failure to show Immi’s health test results would risk her chances of being accepted as a student.

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Don Bosco elementary school was picked up because it was located close to his home. 

"We want them to admit their mistake and beg us apology," he said. 

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Coverage by: Arnes Ritonga | North Jakarta

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