7 February 1989

Talangsari Incident

VIVAnews – 20 years ago, today, on 7 February 1989, the Indonesian security forces under the command of Colonel A. M. Hendropriyono, then army commander of the Black Garuda Regiment, stormed the village of Talangsari at Way Jepara, Lampung, and killed at least 27 of its inhabitants.

The army charged the village to arrest the murderers of Captain Soetiman, the army commander of Way Jepara, who had been brutally murdered by the rebels on 6 February 1989.

Since early 1989, the inhabitants of Talangsari village had turned their small and peaceful village into a command center of Darul Islam movement. Warsidi, a Talangsari elder, agreed to support the cause of Darul Islam after he was elected 'imam' or leader of the movement.

News of the rebel activity soon reached Captain Soetiman, the head of the local military command. To clarify the information, Soetiman summoned the rebel leaders to the base. The rebels, however, refused the invitation and instead invited Soetiman to drop by the village.

Accordingly, Soetiman and several army commanders in the area visited the village on 6 February 1989. However, when the envoy arrived at the village, Warsidi and his men attacked them with poison arrows and short swords. As a result, Soetiman was killed whereas his superiors managed to escape.

The next day, Colonel Hendropriyono commanded his troops to put down the rebellion and arrest the murderers of Captain Soetiman. Since Warsidi and his men refused to surrender and handed over the murderers, a fight soon broke out between the army and the rebel forces.

An estimated 27 people died during the clash, including Warsidi, and 173 others were arrested by the military. After several days of interrogations, a majority of the apprehended rebels were later released and only 23 of them were brought to court. They were all eventually released in 1999 after President B.J. Habibie gave them full pardons.    

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