
Seeking Funding for US$121 Billion Project

VIVAnews - The Indonesian government is only able to fund 31 percent of an Rp 1429 trillion (US$121.67 billion) infrastructure project. Where the remaining 69 percent or Rp 978 trillion would come from is still unclear.

“We’re hoping the 69 percent (of the funds required) can be obtained from funding from other sources such as partnerships with the private sector or public participation,” said Dedi S. Priatna, Deputy Minister for Infrastructure Affairs, Tuesday, Feb. 10.

According to Priatna, the Rp 1429 trillion budget is necessary to fund infrastructure development between 2010 and 2014.

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He stressed that the funding for the project is highly dependent upon the central administration. “We will hand over our infrastructure development plan to the new President in October 2009,” said Priatna

After the proposed budget is given to the President, it becomes the latter’s authority to decide the funding mechanism. “If the President’s focus would be on infrastructure, then hopefully the target would be reached, but if the vision and mission changes, then the plan might change,” said Supriatna.

According to Supriatna, for the time being partnership with the private sector for the time being is only capable of contributing a maximum Rp 365 trillion to the infrastructure project.

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