2009 Elections

Independent Presidential Candidate Rejected

VIVAnews - The Constitutional Court stated that the candidacy for president and vice president can only be proposed by political parties or merged political parties. The court rejected Fadjroel Rachman's proposition for the judicial review over four articles attached in the Law on Presidential Elections.

"The appellant's propositions are not based on solid grounds," said the Head of the Constitutional Court, Mahfud MD, on Thursday, Feb 17.

The lawsuit against article 1 section 4, article 8, article 9 and article 13 section 1 of Law No.42/2008 on Presidential Elections was filed by Fadjroel Rachman, Mariana Amiruddin and Bob Febrian. The four articles are considered as shearing people's right to presidential candidacy because the Law specifies that only political parties or merged political parties are permitted to nominate presidential candidates.

In addition, article 9 of Law on Presidential Elections is also deemed as against article 27 section 1, article 28D section 1 and 3, and article 28I section 2 of the 1945 Constitution.

Concerning independent presidential candidate, Rahman viewed that those articles neglect his right to participate in the presidential candidacy. Meanwhile, Amiruddin and Febrian viewed that the Law prohibits them for voting independent presidential candidates.

Translated by Ariyantri E. Tarman

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