2009 Elections

Obama Leaves Capitalism, Subianto Says

VIVAnews - A presidential candidate from Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) Prabowo Subianto stressed that Indonesia should abandon capitalism: a system proves as causing the global economic recession.

"Barack Obama has just get rid of capitalism," said Subianto on Thursday, March 19. "How come we still applies the system?" he went on to say.

According to Subianto, Obama questioned the executives at the Wall Street who serve as symbols of world capitalism. Obama viewed that the executives tend to be greedy. In fact, as the crisis came into being, they still shared bonuses.

"The current economic system is a mistake," said Subianto.

However, he acknowledged that despite criticizing an individual, he chose to blame the system. "If the system fails, everything will follow," said Subianto.

He emphasized that Indonesia must prioritize social economics because it is more appropriate with the country, whose majority of people includes farmers, fishermen and small traders.

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Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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