Endangered Species

Tiger On Sight in Village

VIVAnews - Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) of West Sumatra urged inhabitants to avoid entering the forest too deeply to make farm in order to preserve the population of Sumatran tiger.

A Sumatran tiger was on Monday trapped that people set up on Batu Busuak hills, Padang, West Sumatra.

Although it managed to escape, BKSDA Head Indra Arinal acknowledged that the incident was a threat to the decreasing number of Sumatran tiger.

"The tiger did not go into the village. It was quite the contrary," he said on Tuesday, March 31.

He denied the story that the inhabitants deliberately hunted the rare species. "This is not a tiger hunting case. This is pure coincidence," said Arinal.

The investigation team of BKSDA of West Sumatra said the trap was actually used for catching pigs. 

Arinal said a tiger passing through the area was trapped by chance. According to him, the location was the path that tiger often uses to walk by.

Earlier, the conflict involving humans and the critically endangered species killed two people. At that time, a tiger was in rage in Bungus, killing Busra, an inhabitant of Kabung Selatan Bay, Bungus Teluk Kabung Subdistrict.

The conflict also hit Siguntur area, Koto XI Tarusan, Pesisir Selatan Regency, claiming a live as well.

Arinal assured that the trap that the inhabitants prepared was not aimed at capturing the tiger. "We have asked people and launched an investigation on how the trap is. [The trap] is certainly not for catching tiger," he said.

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Coverage: Eri Naldi | Padang
Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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