Stock Issue

Tens of Issuers Delay Hand Over Reports

VIVAnews - The Capital Market and Financial Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) predicted that there will be tens of issuers that will delay handing over their 2008 financial reports. Those companies will be fined by Rp 1 million per day of delay.

"Many companies [will be late]. I can't remember the exact number," said Bapepam-LK Head of Financial Assessment Bureau for the Real Sector Companies, Anis Baridwan, on Wednesday, April 22, in Jakarta.

The indication of the late delivery was seen from the fact that many issuers only submitted their financial reports around one to two days after the set deadline.    

Akin to Baridwan, Bapepam-LK Head of Financial Assessment Bureau for Service Companies, Noor Rahman, also predicted that the number of issuers under his authority which delays their report transfer reaches more than ten companies. 

The stock authorities decided that the set deadline for handing over the audited annual financial report was March 31.


Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

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