Berlian Tanker to Share Dividend

VIVAnews - PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk (BLTA)'s annual general meeting of shareholders (RUPS) agreed on dividend sharing of Rp 5 per share or around Rp 20.8 billion from the 2008 fiscal year's net profit of Rp 1.5 trillion. The dividend will be shared on July 31, 2009.

The rest of the net profit will be used for developing the company's businesses.

Berlian Laju Tanker Director of Finance Kevin Wong said that despite the current crisis, the shipping industry still has enough opportunity to expand resulting from the cabotage principle, which will soon be implemented. "It is better for us to save money to expand our business," he said.

This year's dividend is lower than in 2007, which reached Rp 50 per unit. "Last year the business opportunity was not good. It was quite the opposite with 2008," he said.


Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

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