Indonesia Preparing for Swine Flu

VIVAnews - The swine flu outbreak that hit Mexico has killed around 81 people according to the latest data. The fatal flu virus is suspected to have infected the United States. Indonesia's Department of Health has made several anticipations to prevent this new epidemic threat from entering the country.

Director general for Disease Control and Environmental Health Agency (P2PL) at the Department of Health Tjandra Yoga Aditama said that one of the anticipations will be to collect data and scientific research on swine flu. "We also coordinate with WHO to monitor the development," he said as quoted from the health department's Website.

Another way will be to issue an early awareness announcement, and then to hold a coordinating meeting with Harbor's Health Office (KKP)'s high officials from all around Indonesia to improve awareness. Afterwards, the department will coordinate with the health research and development agency to examine specimens. "We also team up with the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Foreign Affairs to arrange the needed preventive actions," he added.

Swine flu is an influenza caused by influenza virus type A sub-type H1N1 which is spread through animals, especially pigs. "There's a possibility of human to human transmission," he said. The spread can occur in the air and as well as through direct contact with people suffering from the disease.

Generally, swine flu is similar with influenza or Influenza-Like Illnesses (ILI) with clinical symptoms such as fever, cough, flu, fatigue, sore throat, short-breath or breathing difficulty, and possibly followed by nausea, vomit, and diarrhea.      


Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

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