Indonesia to Export Fertilizer

VIVAnews - Indonesia is ready to import as much as 700,000 up to one million tons of fertilizer since the government's fertilizer stock is still piling up.

Agro and Chemical Industry directorate general of the Industry Department Benny Wahyudi explained that the low fertilizer absorption leaves an abundant stock to be exported.

"The government has prepared 5.5 million tons of fertilizer. In the first semester, it was absorbed under 80 percent, therefore if the second semester absorption works according to the plan, [the country] still has 10-15 percent of the 5.5 million tons [fertilizer]," he said in Jakarta on Tuesday, Sept. 8.

"The excess is potential for exports," he added, and the perfect moment to export fertilizer is in September until October 1009. The destination country has yet to be set since there will an auction process before the export.

He explained that the export permit has yet to be proposed to the Trade Department since it is still being prepared. "[The export issue] has been discussed with the Coordinating Minister for the Economy. It takes a recalculation of the exported amount," he said.


Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

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