There is A Place Like New Zealand in Bondowoso

Wisata Nasional Kawah Ijen.
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VIVA – Bondowoso is famous for its history and tourist attractions. Tourist attractions in Bondowoso are interesting and beautiful. Bondowoso is a regency in East Java.

This district has a million charms and amazing natural panoramas and many are still hidden, so there are still many people who do not know about the beauty and cool places in Bondowoso.

Bondowoso has many cool tourist attraction spots, ranging from cultural sites, historical sites, photo spots for contemporary photos, to waterfalls that are very pleasing to the eye and you must explore immediately.

Meanwhile, apart from the natural beauties that spoil the eye, there are a few historical stories that are quite interesting to explore. Here are some tourist attractions in Bondowoso that are worth visiting.

1. Ijen Crater

Kondisi kawah Gunung Ijen.

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  • Dokumen BBKSDA Jawa Timur

Mount Ijen is very famous for the crater that resides in it and has become one of the most respected tourist attractions.

The crater of Mount Ijen, provides a view of the blue fire which is located at an altitude of 2.443 masl, and is surrounded by a caldera wall as high as 300-500 meters. Another interesting fact is that this destination has been named the largest crater lake in the world, with an area of ??5.446 hectares.

The location is still around Bondowoso, with the entrance ticket price of around Rp150.000. If the visitors come here, they have to be careful because the temperature is very extreme.

2. Villa Afdeling Jampit Flower Garden

Taman bunga Villa Afdeling Jampit

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A visit to Jampit, Bondowoso will be very memorable if tourists also visit Villa Afdeling Jampit Flower Garden.

Indahnya Suara dan Kisah Perjalanan Geby AO Tangguh PNM Medan

The main object offered is a flower garden of various types which looks wide and, in the middle, there is a villa building that has an indies design.

Although, there are only a few facilities there such as photo spots and villas, every period there are still many visitors who come. This is due to the coolness of the surrounding air which makes it comfortable.

Ini Tempat Penyimpanan Uang Dollar SYL

3. Bondowoso Alun-alun

Alun alun Bondowoso

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Mobil Bekas Harga Segini Jadi Incaran Masyarakat

Bondowoso alun-alun is the next tourist spot that is highly recommended for those of you who want to just hang out to enjoy various culinary dishes.

In this place the visitors can also do other activities besides relaxing such as cycling, jogging, etc. Especially if the visitors come at night, they will definitely find views of many people hanging out with their friends or their partners

4. Wurung Crater

Kawah Wurung Bondowoso.

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Wurug Crater is a tourist attraction that will also give satisfaction about the beauty of nature. Even there, visitors will be fascinated by the combination of flowers and green grass around the location.

Located in Kalianyar Village, Bondowoso and the entrance ticket is around Rp3.000, the visitors can refresh their mind. It’s also necessary to know that Wurug Crater is still under the management of Perum Perhutani. So, it’s not surprising that the condition is very well maintained.

5. Mahadewa Hills

Bukit Mahadewa Bondowoso

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Mahadewa Hill has a natural view of the mountains in Bondowoso. There is a board in the shape of love, it makes this place look romantic for couples. Not only that, this place is also highly recommended for tourists who like cycling because the route is very challenging.

6. Tancak Twin Waterfalls

Air Terjun Tancak Kembar

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Bondowoso is one area that is very rich in natural destinations. Likewise, there is one in Andongsari Village, namely the Tancak Kembar Waterfall. The panorama offered is the charm of the two waterfalls that have very clear water.

Given the nickname twins because the sizes of the two waterfalls are almost the same. Surrounded by trees makes the surrounding environment more beautiful and the air is cool. If you are interested enough then immediately add it to the list of tourist attractions that are made.

7. Blawan Waterfall

Air Terjun Blawan

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Blawan Waterfall has a uniqueness that lies in its flow. Because, the water doesn’t point straight down but to the side, resulting in a quite unique and exotic panorama.

Considered to have water with a level of clarity above the average standard, Blawan Waterfall is always crowded with visitors. In addition, it also has complete facilities, compared to other places.

8. New Sampean Dam

Bendungan Sampean Baru

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The view of the rocks is not only found in one tourist attraction, but also in the New Sampean Dam or locally known as Bendungan Sampean Baru. The exact location is in Pandak Village. Even though it’s only shaped like a dam, the thousands of stones that are there are perfect for photo spots.

Especially if you visit in the afternoon, you can be sure if the sunset will appear between the objects of the photo taken.

9. Tasnan Forest

Rows of pine forests equipped with hanging umbrellas and other facilities make Tasnan Forest a popular tourist attraction. The location is in Grujukan, Bondowoso with a ticket price of Rp5.000.

Visitors can enjoy the coolness of the forest atmosphere by sitting relaxed on the wooden chairs provided. Even the chirping of various birds perched on the pine tree will be quite a beautiful rhythm to be heard.

10. Jabal Kirmit Hills Similar to New Zealand

Bukit Jabal Kirmit

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This hill is said to be similar to the hill in New Zealand. Jabal Kirmit Hill is located in Jampit Village, Sempol District, Bondowoso Regency, East Java.

The distance between Ijen Crater and Jabal Kirmit Hill is about 10 kilometers. The Jabal Kirmit Hill area is included in the Ijen Crater climbing base camp area.

Jabal Kirmit Hill is still included in the Wurung Crater tourist area. Therefore, to go to Bukit Jabal Kirmit, visitors only need to pay a ticket at the entrance to the Wurung Crater.

The reason is, this hill has not been managed as a separate tourist area. The green grass that stretches across Bukit Jabal Kirmit looks like a rug. The ground surface was covered in green everywhere.

It’s certain that the air is very cool and the atmosphere is beautiful. If in New Zealand there is usually a sheep farm in the area around the hill, in Bukit Jabal Kirmit there is also one. In this area you can find horse and deer farms.

11. View of the Procession

Pemandangan arak-arak Bondowoso

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View of the Procession or locally known as Pemandangan Arak-arak. This new tourist spot in Bondowoso is one of the main destinations that tourists are targeting.

This tourist spot offers a beautiful natural panorama from a height of 345 meters above sea level. The air in the hills is very cool, and gives a calming sensation. This tourist location is in Sumber Cating Village, Wringin District, Bondowoso.

12. Megalithic Site

Situs megalitikum Bondowoso

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One of the historical tourist attractions in Bondowoso is the Megalithic Site. In this place, you can see sarcophagi and dolmens from the large stone age. This tourist location is located in Gliseran Village, Wringin District, Bondowoso Regency.

13. Kalisat Jampit Arabica Coffee Plantation

If you are a coffee lover, we recommend visiting this Kalisat Jampit Arabica Coffee Plantation.

This tourist spot in Jampit Bondowoso is managed by PTP Nusantara VII Kalisat Jampit, and is 74 km from downtown Bondowoso. This plantation has an area of ??4.000 hectares, and located at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level. In this place, you can see how the coffee is made, as well as taste coffee directly from the garden.

14. Great Mosque of At-Taqwa

Masjid Agung At-Taqwa Bondowoso

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One of the mosques located in the center of Bondowoso City and you must visit is the At-Taqwa Bondowoso Great Mosque. This mosque has a fairly large building. The location of this mosque is located on Jl. Ahmad Yani, Kotakulon, Bondowoso District, Bondowoso Regency.

15. Sulfur Waterfall

Sulfur Waterfall is also located in Kalianyar Village, Sempol District, Bondowoso Regency. This waterfall is unique because it has sulfur water that comes from Ijen Crater. When the visitors come to this place, don't forget to bring it to always maintain safety and also the preservation of nature.

16. Pulo Agung Waterfall

Air Terjun Pulo Agung

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This waterfall is located in Ds. Sukorejo, SumberWringin District, Bondowoso, or 40 km from downtown Bondowoso. This waterfall offers natural scenery that is still beautiful and natural. Road access is quite difficult, causing this waterfall not to be touched by many people. This hidden tourist spot in Bondowoso is suitable for those of the visitors who have an adventurous spirit.

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