Scientists Investigate Cause of Deja Vu Phenomenon

Ilustrasi deja vu.
Sumber :
  • University of Adelaide

VIVA – Have you ever been through the same situation or event as before? This condition is known as Deja vu. The condition of Deja vu comes from the French word which means to have seen.

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According to the Science Alert page on Thursday, October 6, 2022, the phenomenon of déjà vu has puzzled philosophers, neurologists, and scientists for a very long time.

In the late 1800s, many theories emerged as to what caused déjà vu. Many think this may stem from a mental dysfunction or perhaps a brain problem or a temporary disturbance in the normal operation of human memory.

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In fact, the condition of Deja vu is nothing to worry about. This condition is a normal thing that can be experienced by anyone, including someone who is in good health.

Recently, a scientist named Alan Brown decided to review everything that researchers had written about Déjà vu.

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Deja vu.

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Some of the things he discovers are related to supernatural things, such as past lives or psychic abilities. Alan Brown also found research surveying people with experiences of déjà vu.

Alan Brown put together some basic findings about the phenomenon of Deja vu, it is estimated that two-thirds of people experience déjà vu at some point in their lives. He found that the most common triggers were scenes or places and conversations.

Brown also reports a century of clues or medical literature about a possible link between Deja vu and certain types of seizure activity in the brain.

Brown's review brought the topic of Deja Vu into the realm of more mainstream science because it appeared in scientific journals that scientists who study cognition tend to read. His work catalyzed for scientists to design experiments to investigate Déjà vu.

Anne Cleary of Colorado State University began conducting experiments aimed at testing hypotheses about a possible mechanism of Déjà vu.

"We investigated a nearly century-old hypothesis that suggests Deja Vu can occur when there is a spatial resemblance between the current scene and an unremembered scene in your memory. Psychologists call this the Gestalt intimacy hypothesis," Anne Cleary remarked.

This study suggests that one of the contributing factors to Déjà vu could be the spatial resemblance of the new scene to the scene in memory that fails to be consciously recalled by the current mind.

However, that does not mean that spatial resemblance is the only cause. Many factors can contribute to what makes a scene or situation feel familiar. More research is being carried out to investigate possible additional factors at play in this mysterious phenomenon.

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