The Wreck of Titanic Tourism Will Be Opened for Everyone One Day

Ilustrasi Wisata Titanic
Sumber :
  • BBC News

VIVA – People who ever watch the Titanic film, obviously know how big the Titanic is it. The Titanic sank 109 years ago, was discovered 25 years ago, and has seen few humans in the last 15 years.

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It’s estimated that fewer than 200 people have visited the wreck. Soon, however, it will be open for everyone if they want to pay billion to explore the Titanic.

Based on BBC News, in the choppy waters of the North Atlantic Ocean, nearly 650 kilometers from St Johns, Newfoundland, Canada, a large tourism industry ship bobs from side to side. On board, the CEO of Ocean Gate, Stockton Rush, reveals his vision for the future.

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“There will be a time when people go into space at a lower cost and it becomes very routine. I think the same will happen under the sea." Stockton Rush remarked.

Penampakan terbaru kapal Titanic

Photo :
  • OceanGate
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Rush hopes that his company, Ocean Gate, is focused on improving access to the ocean and will explore the deep sea as Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos are doing for space travel.

This tourism allows anyone with enough money to explore new worlds, even without special training. At first glance, Rush's location in the North Atlantic seems unremarkable. However, it was here that one of the most famous and tragic events in history took place.

At that point, at a depth of 3,800 meters below sea level, lies the wreck of the Titanic which sank in April 1912 after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage.

For Rush, who is trying to mass-produce and commercialize the ocean at the world's most famous shipwreck site, it's a "must dive".

“I read an article that said there are three words in English that are known all over the world. The third word is Coca-Cola, God, and Titanic.” He stated.

Penampakan terbaru kapal Titanic

Photo :
  • OceanGate/via-New York Post

But to realize his dream of the Titanic, Rush had to build a new type of submarine made of lightweight materials, to carry up to five people down to the point where the wreck of the Titanic was.

However, for now, Rush is on the scene, having managed to reach the wreck by submarine last year with a large number of people, including crew, Ocean Gate staff, scientists, and a small group of adventure "mission specialists" who each paid US$250,000 each or around IDR 3.8 billion, for the sake of seeing the Titanic closer.

While the researchers were there, they also had the opportunity to be people who helped collect images and videos of biodiversity in the deep sea.

As the passenger submarine descended for more than two hours to the ocean floor, from inside, Ross observed the biodiversity that existed through the window.

In addition, they take selfies. After that, the rest of the time on the ocean floor was spent exploring the bow and debris of the Titanic before rising to the surface. It took a few months to analyze the data they gathered from the video, but the mission felt satisfying to them.

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