Two Indonesian Doctors Join in HanAll's Biopharmaceutical Program

HanAll Biopharma
Sumber :
  • HanAll

VIVA – The increasing global pharmaceutical world has made biopharmaceutical companies conduct several drug research through their training programs. One is the HanAll Biopharma company headquartered in Seoul, South Korea which established a Fellowship program - Scholarship program operated by HanAll Biopharma.

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"The fellowship program is a drug development that lies in nurturing the next generation of talent in the global biopharma industry. Through it, HanAll offers knowledge on the development and understanding of the basic principles of clinical research. The drug development fellowship program is different from conventional internships that are widely done in the pharmaceutical industry." HanAll stated through a written interview with Reporter Viva, on Wednesday, December 7, 2022. 

In this program, there are four types of activities, each activity has a time level of 6 months. The four activities include Clinical Stage Project Work (PM), Business Development, Pre-clinical/CMC, and Management Operations and Clinical Trials.

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Two Indonesian Doctors in Fellowship Program

This program provides an opportunity for doctors in the world to have analytical skills in the drug development process, then, there are two doctors from Indonesia, namely dr. Soraya Nabila graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, and dr. Irina Aulianisa is a last-semester college student at the Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University, South Korea.

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Both Indonesian doctors became the first batch of the two-year fellowship program. It is known, at the end of 2023, HanAll plans to open another batch. They successfully participated in the presentation selection with the title "Screening Tools for Depression and Anxiety", and received official acceptance news 2-3 weeks later. 

According to dr. Soraya, the fellowship program provides an opportunity for doctors like herself to contribute to developing and creating new drugs

"I’ve now been given the chance to contribute to creating new drugs, which allows me to make a greater impact on people’s health. This is a new path for me." dr. Soraya stated in a written interview. 

Meanwhile, dr. Soraya said that for Indonesia itself, there are not many Fellowship programs for the pharmaceutical sector like this. Even if there are, the program only targets pharmacists, not doctors. "I considered this a wonderful opportunity for me to learn and grow."

In joining this program, many facilities are gotten, such as monthly salary and opportunities for Fellows to learn about the Drug Information Association (DIA). 

"Besides monthly salary and active participation in all of HanAll’s meetings with the experts and leaders, I also learned about biopharma company from DIA (Drug Information Association)," dr. Irina explained.

“DIA is a global association that mobilizes life science professionals from all areas of expertise, providing a complete package of learning modules, particularly in the biopharmaceutical area.” She added. 

HanAll Biopharma

Photo :
  • HanAll

The Fellowship Program also seeks to minimize the impact of pollution or carbon print. The drug produced by HanAll is acceptable for both humans and animals because it is produced using proper standard laboratory and clinical procedures, stated dr. Soraya. 

Afterward, dr. Soraya and dr. Irina will provide the knowledge gained during the Fellowship program and create various types of sustainable and new medicines. So, in the future, Indonesian patients and even the world can experience drug developments according to what is needed in the health sector. 

The HanAll Fellowship Program is expected to grow further to become a place for talented doctors. Also, continue to recruit more doctors to participate in the biopharmaceutical industry.

"As a doctor, biopharmaceutical still not to be a favorable field. By joining this program, we can thoroughly explore interesting things about biopharmaceutical and contribute to a greater health impact." dr. Irina stated. 

Currently, HanAll is focusing on unreached areas to provide treatment options to patients with rare and intractable diseases by developing innovative therapies in ophthalmology, immunology, oncology, and neurology.

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