The Explanation of Why Chinese New Year Identical with Red

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Sumber :
  • VIVA/Fajar Sodiq

VIVA – The Chinese New Year or lunar new year celebration is coming soon, on Sunday, January 22, 2023. It is usually identified with the color red, starting from the color concept of Cheongsam clothing, decorations, envelopes, temples, and other trinkets. So, why is red identical to the lunar new year? Well, here's the explanation.

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The red that is synonymous with Chinese New Year celebrations is not without reason. Red for Chinese people is a color that is considered positive, a color that symbolizes good luck, and happiness to prevent evil spirits connected to bad luck.

Colors play a significant role in Chinese culture as they represent various qualities and ideas that were formed thousands of years ago and have retained their significance through generations.

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According to legend, long ago a beast called "Nian" would come on the eve of Chinese New Year celebrations to devour villagers, livestock, and crops. Well, to protect themselves from the beast, people would put food in front of their doors, hoping that Nian would not hurt anyone after eating it.

One night, it is said that the villagers saw Nian frightened by a child in a red dress. Since then, they have hung red lanterns and rolled up springs with bait to keep the beast away for another year.

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People will even greet each other by saying "Gong Xi Fa Cai," or "Congratulations," on New Year's Eve to scare away the mythical beast.

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Photo :
  • VIVA/Muhamad Solihin

Further mentioned, the Chinese consider red to be a color filled with hockey. They include it as their main celebratory color, which makes it more than just a color that obscures the Lunar New Year. It's not just during Chinese New Year celebrations. It's usually easy to find Chinese events or celebrations with elements of red, for example in big moments like weddings.

So, what about the color red in the Year of the Rabbit? The rabbit itself is characterized by hope, peace, prosperity, and longevity.

Given that this year is the Year of the Rabbit, especially the water rabbit, this year is predicted to be a year of success and destruction. The luckiest colors for Rabbits are red, pink, purple, and blue.

The color red in the Chinese zodiac not only symbolizes prosperity and good fortune but also at the same time symbolizes happiness.

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