Innovation Heroes Gives Award to Best Indonesian Innovators

Innovation Heroes
Sumber :
  • Arianti Widya

VIVA – Indonesia has many innovators who are instrumental in making life better. Yayasan Indonesia Forum and Corporate Innovation Asia (CIAS) give appreciation and awards to these innovators who have contributed positively to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia through the inauguration night of Innovation Heroes on January 31, 2023.

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Innovation Heroes is an initial effort to introduce technology-based innovators to the public and as an effort to answer Indonesia's big challenges towards the Golden Indonesia 2045.

"Innovation Heroes is designed in such a way, the hope is that it is not just a discussion event but the forerunner of the spirit of giving birth to innovation in various fields in Indonesia by gathering and looking for as many innovators as possible so that we can be optimistic about achieving the 2045 target," Chairman of the Indonesia Forum Foundation, Prof. Bambang Brodjonegoro said in his speech at Soehanna Hall, Jakarta.

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The selection of heroes is based on the assessment of the panelists, namely Indrawan Nugroho (Founder & CEO of CIAS), Danang Rizky Ginanjar (Deputy Secretary General of Indonesia Forum), and Ivan Ahda (CEO of Maxima).

Innovation Heroes

Photo :
  • Arianti Widya
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So, here are five people who have chosen to be heroes in the Innovation Heroes 2022 event.

1. Wahyudi Hasbi - Multi-Mission Small Satellite

2. Herry Wijaya - For Sustainable Prosperity

3. Tatiek Kancaniati - Tegalwaru Business Tourism Village

4. Lenang Manggala - National Book Writing School Movement

5. Heni Sri Sundari - Smart Farmer Children Movement

On the same occasion, one of the nominees, CEO of BANANA & Partners, Herry Wijaya said that his business focuses on sustainable prosperity and emphasizes Environmental Social, and Government.

"BANANA & partners started in 2020, and we want to address the issue of food security. This can be fixed by managing and processing waste wisely, which is the ultimate solution we have in the form of Pandora (Home Auction Recycling Industry Center). We also have the vision to create a world without waste and a fossil-free world for a better life," said Herry Wijaya.

"I also hope that Innovation Heroes can foster Indonesian innovators, as well as work and help each other for the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045, by contributing a positive impact directly to the people of Indonesia," Herry added.

As information, the Innovation Heroes program is planned to be held annually. This is a form to support the sustainability and growth of innovation in Indonesia.

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