President Jokowi Feels Proud for Indonesian Young Generation Talent

Presiden Jokowi menerima kontestan America's Got Talent (AGT) 2023, Putri Ariani
Sumber :
  • ANTARA/Indra Arief Pribadi

Jakarta – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the Merdeka Palace Jakarta received the arrival of an Indonesian singer who is also the recipient of the Golden Buzzer America's Got Talent in the United States

President Widodo and Putri Ariani talked about Ariani's experience, and feelings when got the Golden Buzzer from Simon Cowell. In addition, Putri Ariani also had the opportunity to sing two songs accompanied by a keyboard in front of the President. The two songs played were Ariani's own songs entitled 'Loneliness' and 'Permata Indah Dunia'

Seeing her talent, President Jokowi feels proud and also encouraged the Indonesian young generation to work hard and have the willingness to show their golden talents with confidence.

Putri Ariani.

Photo :
  • Tangkapan layar Youtube

"Sometimes, the government cannot control everything. Actually, Indonesia has golden talents like Putri Ariani. Therefore, it is good for the young generation to be brave and confident when showing their talents, as Putri Ariani showed on America's Got Talent," President Widodo said when welcoming Putri Ariani, on Wednesday. 

The President said that Ariani's achievement at the event could be a great inspiration for Indonesian young people. 

"I think there are many opportunities, many opportunities as exemplified by Putri Ariani, and there is no barrier if you have a hard will, willing to work hard," the President said.

As a form of appreciation, the President said he would provide savings for Putri to go to the United States in August, "She (Putri Ariani) can get savings for the fare to America in August.”

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In addition, the Head of State revealed that he will invite Putri to perform at the upcoming Indonesian Independence Day commemoration if it did not interfere with his schedule.

On the same occasion, Putri Ariani expressed her gratitude to the President for his appreciation and support. She also did not expect to meet directly with President Jokowi.

Pengakuan Jokowi Tidur Nyenyak di Rumah Dinas Menteri PUPR di IKN

"I am so proud and touched. I do not expect to be appreciated by Mr. President, as extraordinary as this. Thank you very much, sir," Putri Ariani expressed. 

Geber Pembangunan Tol, Jokowi Targetkan dari Balikpapan ke IKN Cuma 30 Menit
William Soeryadjaya.

Kenang William Soeryadjaya, Jokowi: Kita Patut Belajar dari Perjuangan Sang Perintis Grup Astra

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) memberikan pengantar di dalam buku Memoar William Soeryadjaya yang akan diluncurkan di Jakarta.

5 Juni 2024