Six Secured as Flare for Prewedding Photos Caused Fire on Mount Bromo

Kebakaran di Savana Kaldera, blok Savana Lembah Watangan Gunung Bromo
Sumber :
  • Instagram: TNBTS

Probolinggo – Police officers from the Probolinggo Resort Police, East Java, have arrested six people suspected of being involved in a massive fire at Mount Bromo's Teletubbies Hill Savannah block on Thursday. 

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"The six people have been secured," the Probolinggo Police Public Relations Sub-Section Head Inspector Two Zainal Arifin said. 

The six people are suspected of being involved in the fire that broke out on Mount Bromo's Teletubbies Hill. They were a group that conducted a photo session for a prewedding and lit flares, and eventually one of them who ignited the flare has come the suspect respinsible about this incident. 

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The suspect is the manager or the person in charge of the Wedding Organizer (WO) and faces a maximum prison sentence of 5 years and a fine of up to IDR 1,5 milion. 

Flares, are suspected the cause of the massive fire hit the hill. A video of the group conducting a pre-wedding photo session is widely spread on social media

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Petugas berusaha memadamkan kebakaran api di savana Gunung Bromo

Photo :
  • VIVA/Lucky Aditya

Behind them, the Teletubbies-Evidence savanna was on fire, but they were all indifferent. As a result of the incident, Mount Bromo and its surroundings were temporarily closed. Officers are currently carrying out the extinguishing process. The closure is also carried out to anticipate that a similar incident will not be repeated.

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At least 49 people were killed and dozens of others injured in the Persian Gulf country of Kuwait, the state news agency said, when a fire broke out on Wednesday.

14 Juni 2024