Export and Investment Become Key to Economic Growth, Jokowi Says

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi)
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  • Tangkapan layar Youtube Sekretariat Presiden

Jakarta – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has emphasized that export and investment must continue to be increased to maintain Indonesia's economic growth

“The key (to economic growth) is to maintain export so that it continues to increase. This is not easy," the Head of State said while opening the 2023 Investor Daily Summit at Hutan Kota by Plataran, Jakarta on Tuesday. 

The President continued: "Investment must also be maintained so that it continuously grows because the base of our economic growth is still consumption, be it the Government’s or private sector’s,”

President Widodo also believes that these two things are the basis for economic growth in the country.

Ilustrasi ekspor impor.

Photo :
  • VIVA.co.id/M Ali Wafa

"We hope that if we can increase our exports, increase our investment, that will be the basis for Indonesia's economic growth," President Widodo expressed. 

In addition, President Jokowi also mentioned the Government's plan to provide incentives for the property industry to spur economic growth. 

Moreover, according to the Head of State, the property industry has many derivatives.

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"We want to trigger our economy by providing incentives for housing development, for properties because the industry covers many other industries," President Jokowi explained. 

Ilustrasi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi/Realisasi Investasi.

Photo :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa
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"It can comprise 114 industries, including rooftile, cement, brick, sand, timber, door, glass, ceramic, and many others. (The incentives) can boost these industries’ growth,” the President added.

The President also said that incentives could also be provided in the form of exemption from value-added tax (VAT) for houses with certain prices and elimination of administrative fees for low-income people.

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"But it has not been decided yet, it will be decided later in the afternoon. It will encourage investment in housing," President Jokowi concluded. 

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