United Nations Urges to Stop Gaza Work as Fuel Runs Out

Ilustrasi - Suasana di luar kantor UNRWA di Jalur Gaza.
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Gaza – The United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees warned it would be forced to stop working across the Gaza Strip on Wednesday unless there were urgent fuel deliveries to the war-torn territory.

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"If we do not get fuel urgently, we will be forced to halt our operations in the Gaza Strip as of tomorrow night," UNRWA said on X, formerly Twitter, on Tuesday.

Aid agencies have sounded the alarm about the lack of fuel, which is  used to power vital services in Gaza such as hospitals which are relying on generators. 

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Photo :
  • aljazeera.com

"Time is running out. We urgently need fuel," the UNRWA Communications Director, Juliette Touma said. 

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Meanwhile, the WHO said it had on Monday, with UNRWA support, delivered limited supplies for ambulances and to four hospitals in southern Gaza.

"However, this is only enough to keep ambulances and critical hospital functions running for a little over 24 hours," World Health Organization said earlier on Tuesday.

At the weekend, the first aid delivery entered Gaza since the October 7 war erupted between Israel and Gaza's Hamas rulers, but it did not include fuel.

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Photo :
  • AP Photo/Fatima Shbair.

Speaking at the UN headquarters, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned the limited supplies amounted to a drop of aid in an ocean of need. 

"Without fuel, aid cannot be delivered, hospitals will not have power, and drinking water cannot be purified or even pumped," he told the Security  Council. 

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3 Juni 2024