Unveiling the Places on Earth Without Snakes

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Sumber :
  • New York Post

Jakarta – A snake is a carnivorous, feeding on a variety of prey like rodents, birds, eggs, and insects. With a wide diversity of species, snakes come in different sizes, colors, and patterns. 

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 This wild animals has a long, legless reptile that is found in various habitats worldwide but there are a few places without snakes. 

1. New Zealand

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New Zealand is one of the world’s snake-free countries. So if you are a snake lover, you should consider this before journeying down to New Zealand as you may not find any of your scaly elongated friends in the country. 

The reason for this has been linked to the fact that snakes never evolved there, and were primarily unable to cross oceans to New Zealand. Ironically, even though snakes could not make it into the country, the Yellow Lipped Sea Krait and the Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake are found to be swimming in the water around New Zealand. 

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These snakes wander to the water around New Zealand but would leave as soon as the water gets too cold. 

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  • Pixabay

Ireland is yet another country with no snakes. Fossil records indicate that snakes never made Ireland their home. This may be due to the fact that Ireland is very cold and has a climate that is not conducive to snakes. 

In addition, snakes generally require warmth and light and Ireland never gets warm enough to sustain a healthy population of these endothermic animals. 

Luckily, unlike New Zealand, you are allowed to have snakes as pets in Ireland. A few snake species can also be found in selected zoos in the region.

3. Greenland

Like other Islands in the Arctic, Greenland does not house any snakes. The climate in this country does not make it a natural habitat for snake species. However, if you would like to own a pet snake in Greenland, you’d have to take permission from the police district in the state. 

4. Iceland

Iceland is another overly cold island where snakes cannot live. The climate in the region is too harsh for snakes to survive and thrive. Although there are no snakes in Iceland, people often get confused upon hearing of the popular ‘sand snakes’ found in Iceland. 

It would interest you to know that the “sand snake” is only a unique view formed when the wind blows sand in the air so swiftly that it takes the shape of a snake. 

5. Hawaii

There are no snakes native to Hawaii. Hawaii is a tropical island with no known snakes because of its geographical isolation. The only snakes you can see in Hawaii are mostly accidentally imported inside cargo shipments or planes.

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