Pertamina Adds 7.36 Million Three-kg Gas Canisters for Eid al-Fitr

Pertamina menambah gas LPG 3kg untuk Bali
Sumber :
  • Liarosh (Bali)

Jakarta – Pertamina, through Pertamina Patra Niaga, has increased the supply of three-kilogram LPG cylinders by 22,087 Metric Tons (MT), around 7.36 million cylinders.

Kolaborasi Pertamina Patra Niaga dan Pertamina NRE Dorong Dekarbonisasi Lewat MyPertamina

Pertamina Patra Niaga's Corporate Secretary, Irto Ginting, explained that the additional supply of 3 kg LPG is aimed at anticipating the increased demand from the community during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 1445 H.

"We hope to meet the needs of the community during the 2024 RAFI Task Force period. The addition is also done carefully to ensure it reaches the right targets," Ginting said in a statement on Tuesday.

Pertamina Diskon Harga Avtur Dukung Program Tiket Murah Selama Nataru

Ilustrasi gas elpiji LPG

Photo :
  • Pertamina

From March 19 to April 7, the quota for three-kilogram LPG reached 430,867 MT. However, the actual distribution during this period has already reached 452,954 MT, exceeding 5.1 percent of the quota.

Tingkatkan Energi Terbarukan di Desa, Pertamina Bangun PLTS Dukung Kelompok Tani di Indramayu

He added that they continue to monitor the need for three-kilograms LPG until the end of the Eid holiday.

Pertamina Patra Niaga ensures that the stock of 3 kg LPG is safe at a level of 14-15 days.

"Pertamina continues to monitor the need for 3 kg LPG until the end of Eid al-Fitr, and we are adding supplies to areas that indeed require it," he added.

The supply of 3 kg LPG is guaranteed to be safe, and Pertamina Patra Niaga has prepared 5,027 standby agents.

The public is asked to purchase 3 kg LPG at official depots to get prices according to the set standards.

"For depot information or if encountering any issues in the field, the public can contact the Pertamina call center at 135," he informed.

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