Indonesian Announces 27 National Holidays for 2025

Menko Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan, Muhadjir Effendy
Sumber :
  • Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan

Jakarta, VIVA – Indonesian government has set 27 national holidays and collective leaves for 2025 via a joint decree (SKB) of the religious affairs, manpower, and state apparatus empowerment and bureaucratic reform (PAN-RB) ministers.

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At a press conference on Monday (Oct 14), Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy, said that the 27 holidays consist of 17 national holidays and 10 days of collective leave.

The minister explained that the national holiday and collective leave determination for 2025 will serve as a guideline for the community, the economic sector, and the private sector in carrying out their activities.

Jokowi Tunjuk Muhadjir Effendy Jadi Plt Mendes, Airlangga Jabatan Plt Menaker

In addition, it will be a reference for ministries and other government agencies in planning work programs.He then spoke about a proposal to add more national holiday and collective leave dates, especially related to religious holidays.

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Photo :
  • Media Center Haji 2024
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He added, the government will review and consider the proposal by paying attention to the number of national holidays in the joint ministerial decree.

According to him, the holiday dates should not exceed the number stipulated in Presidential Decree Number 8 of 2024 concerning National Holidays.

He said that if the joint decree does not cover holidays for certain religions to carry out their religious activities, local governments can issue collective leaves or holidays at the local level and refer to the implementation that has been running so far.

"After this SKB is determined, the Ministry of Manpower will prepare rules related to the implementation of holidays and collective leaves for the private sector, and for civil servants, it will be prepared by the PAN-RB Ministry," he concluded.

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22 Oktober 2024