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Berita Terbaru Blood

Knowing More Leptospirosis: A Disease from Animal Urine

Knowing More Leptospirosis: A Disease from Animal Urine


23 hari lalu
 Leptospirosis is a disease caused by the bacterium Leptospira. This bacterium can spread through the urine or blood of infected animals, such as rats, cows, dogs, and pi
Reasons Why Mosquitoes Suck Blood

Reasons Why Mosquitoes Suck Blood


24 hari lalu
Mosquitoes suck human blood because they need nutrients such as iron, protein and amino acids. Well, these nutrients cannot be obtained from other foods other than blood.
How Long Can the Brain Survive Without Oxygen?

How Long Can the Brain Survive Without Oxygen?


3 bulan lalu
How Long Can the Brain Survive Without Oxygen?The human brain is an immensely complex and fragile organ that depends on a constant supply of oxygenated blood. Without oxy
Diabetes Blindness Rate in Indonesia Fifth Largest in the World

Diabetes Blindness Rate in Indonesia Fifth Largest in the World


6 bulan lalu
Data from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in 2021, Indonesia is ranked fifth out of 10 countries in the world with the largest number of people with diabetes.
Scientists Discover Secrets of Longevity Up to 100 Years Old

Scientists Discover Secrets of Longevity Up to 100 Years Old


6 bulan lalu
Swedish researchers studied blood samples from 44,000 over-60s, with hundreds having longevity up to 100 years old.
The Truth about Sugar Content of White Rice

The Truth about Sugar Content of White Rice


7 bulan lalu
White rice is staple food consumed by millions of people around the world, and 90% of the world's rice comes from Asia. This food contains carbohydrates which give energy
7 Side Effects of Not Drinking Enough Water that People Need to Know

7 Side Effects of Not Drinking Enough Water that People Need to Know


8 bulan lalu
Water is vital for good health and, really, it helps with everything. And since about 60% of the human body is water, according to the United States Geological Survey.
What to Know About Anthrax: a Disease from Animals Hit Humans

What to Know About Anthrax: a Disease from Animals Hit Humans


10 bulan lalu
The Ministry of Health reported that three residents of Gunungkidul District, Yogyakarta died caused of anthrax infection. Here's to know about Anthrax.
Getting to Know the Pregnancy Nose That Trending on TikTok

Getting to Know the Pregnancy Nose That Trending on TikTok


10 bulan lalu
On social media, there's a trend that called pregnancy nose. It highlights how some women’s noses swell and change shape during pregnancy. 
6 Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit, Different Types of It

6 Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit, Different Types of It


10 bulan lalu
Dragon fruit becomes one of fruits that many people love it. There are a lot of benefits and different types of this amazing healthy fruit.
A Mysterious Creature Found in Bolivia After Unusual Livestock Death

A Mysterious Creature Found in Bolivia After Unusual Livestock Death


10 bulan lalu
 A mysterious creature has been found in Bolivia amid reports of dead livestock with their blood sucked dry, sparking fears that a mythical demon.
Tech Billionaire Uses Blood from His Son to Stay Young Forever

Tech Billionaire Uses Blood from His Son to Stay Young Forever


11 bulan lalu
A man who is also a tech billionaire spends US$ 2 million or IDR 29 billion a year to stay young forever, and now uses his teenage son into his personal "blood draw".
Klaim Tangkis 99 Persen Serangan Rudal dan Drone Iran, Pakar Militer Sebut Israel Halu

Klaim Tangkis 99 Persen Serangan Rudal dan Drone Iran, Pakar Militer Sebut Israel Halu


18 Apr 2024
Pakar militer Israel, Or Fialkov, pada Rabu setempat mengatakan bahwa bahwa pihak berwenang Tel Aviv memberikan informasi palsu soal serangan Iran.
6 Jenderal Polisi Bintang 4 yang Berasal dari Jawa Tengah, Siapa Saja?

6 Jenderal Polisi Bintang 4 yang Berasal dari Jawa Tengah, Siapa Saja?


18 Apr 2024
Beberapa Jenderal Polisi berpangkat bintang 4 memiliki latar belakang dari Jawa Tengah. Salah satunya telah meraih gelar Adhi Makayasa dan menjadi mantan Kapolri.
Dulu Bawa Indonesia Sabet Emas SEA Games, Pramudya Kusumawardana Kini Bela Australia

Dulu Bawa Indonesia Sabet Emas SEA Games, Pramudya Kusumawardana Kini Bela Australia


18 Apr 2024
Masih ingat dengan Pramudya Kusumawardana? Pebulutangkis 23 tahun ini sempat mengharumkan nama Indonesia di kancah internasional. Dia pindah haluan membela Australia.
Terpopuler: Pengemudi Fortuner Pelat Dinas TNI Ditangkap, Negara yang jadi Medan Perang Dunia III

Terpopuler: Pengemudi Fortuner Pelat Dinas TNI Ditangkap, Negara yang jadi Medan Perang Dunia III


18 Apr 2024
Berbagai sajian berita sepanjang Rabu 17 April 2024, banyak diminati pembaca VIVA. Kisah pengemudi fortuner yang menggunkan pelat dinas TNI adalah yang menarik perhatian
3 Penyanyi Beragama Muslim yang Menyukai Lagu Rohani Nonis, Siapa Saja?

3 Penyanyi Beragama Muslim yang Menyukai Lagu Rohani Nonis, Siapa Saja?


18 Apr 2024
Sejumlah penyanyi yang menganut agama Islam menunjukkan ketertarikan pada lagu-lagu rohani nonis. Mereka memiliki latar belakang dan alasan yang berbeda-beda.
VIVA Networks

Mobil yang Kena Tilang Ganjil Genap saat Mudik Bertambah, Siap-siap Bayar


37 menit lalu
Korlantas Polri menerapkan sistem ganjil genap saat mudik lebaran untuk mengurai kemacetan di jalan tol. Kabar terbaru mobil yang melanggar jumlahnya bertambah.

Benarkah Insecure Dosa? Begini Kata Habib Jafar


sekitar 1 bulan lalu
Istilah "insecure" erat kaitannya dengan tingkat percaya diri seseorang, yang merupakan perasaan yang dapat berubah sesuai dengan situasi yang dialami. Apakah ini dosa?

11 Jenis Pelecehan, Selain Pelecehan Seksual dan Fisik


21 menit lalu
Pelecehan ternyata memiliki banyak jenisnya, bukan hanya pelecehan seksual dan fisik, terdapat beragam sebutan pelecehan yang perlu kamu ketahui. Yuk, intip artikelnya!

Intip Deretan Fakta Unik Siti Badriah, Berasal dari Keluarga Dangdut Hingga Ditipu Ratusan Juta


21 menit lalu
Siti Badriah, sosok penyanyi dangdut yang menghadirkan lagu-lagu dangdut populer, memiliki sejumlah fakta menarik yang mungkin belum banyak diketahui oleh penggemarnya.
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