17 Finance Ministers and 11 Central Bank Governors Come to Bali

Menteri Keuangan Amerika Serikat (AS) Janet Yellen di pertemuan G20 di Bali.
Sumber :
  • Pool/Nym Budhiana

VIVA – The third series meetings of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors/FMCBG) of G20 Countries officially started on July 15, 2022. As quoted in a joint press release with BI and the Ministry of Finance, a total of 17 Finance Ministers and 11 Central Bank Governors were physically present in Nusa Dua, Bali.

The finance ministers who attended were from South Africa, the United States, Saudi Arabia, Australia, India, Indonesia, Italy, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Canada, France, Turkey, the European Union, the Netherlands, Senegal, Switzerland.

Meanwhile, the central bank governors who attended were from South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Australia, the Netherlands, India, Indonesia, England, Japan, Germany, South Korea, and France.

The third FMCBG meeting at the Indonesian G20 Presidency this time was attended by the largest number of foreign delegates physically during the period of Indonesia's G20 Presidency. In total, there were 407 foreign delegates who attended directly in Bali. Meanwhile, 120 delegates attended virtually.

Menteri Keuangan RI Sri Mulyani Indrawati di pertemuan G20.

Photo :
  • Pool BI/Fikri Yusuf

The Minister of Finance and the Governor of Bank Indonesia will jointly chair the meeting. In the opening speech of the Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that the G20 needed to go further, by taking concrete actions.

“The G20 needs to go further by taking concrete actions based on the spirit of cooperation, collaboration and consensus to address the global challenges." Ministry of Finance, Sri Mulyani said at the FMCBG meeting.

At this meeting, the delegates will discuss seven priority and legacy agendas on the financial line, such as i) Global economy and risks, ii) Global health issues, iii) International financial architecture, iv) Financial sector issues, v) Sustainable finance, vi) Infrastructure development, and vii) International taxation.  

Indonesia's G20 Presidency continues to evoke the spirit of multilateralism at the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting by facilitating and providing full support for the main G20 agenda. 

Furthermore, Indonesia's G20 Presidency also strives to achieve concrete outcomes with a direct impact on the global economic recovery process as we recover together, recover stronger.