WhatsApp Allows Users to Share HD Quality Photos

Sumber :
  • Misrohatun Hasanah

Jakarta – WhatsApp, the instant messaging service from Meta announced a new feature that users can send High Definition (HD) photos.

"For special moments that you want friends and family to enjoy in every little detail, you now have the option to share photos in higher resolution, all while protected by WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption,” said WhatsApp, in a written statement on Sunday.

Users of the WhatsApp service will later be given two options for sending and saving photos to their colleagues.

The first option is standard as before, which allows users to send and exchange photos more quickly. The second option is that users can choose to send and save photos with HD quality.

For users with poor internet connections, users can also freely choose which photos to save in standard quality and which to save in HD quality.


Photo :
  • Unsplash

This feature will be rolled out globally in the next few weeks. WhatsApp also said there will be a similar feature for HD videos. Previously, the feature of saving and sending HD photos on WhatsApp was also announced by Meta CEO, Mark Zuckeberg.

Both through Facebook and Instagram, Mark introduced the feature to his followers. "Sharing photos on WhatsApp has just got upgrade, now you can in HD quality," Mark Zuckerberg said.