14 December 1913

Father of Indonesian Modern Painting was Born

VIVAnews - 95 years ago today, on 14 December 1913, Sindudarsono Sudjojono, the pioneer of Indonesia’s new style of painting, was born.

Sudjojono has been acknowledged by fellow painters as the father of Indonesia’s new style of painting.  He was a co-founder of Indonesia’s Association of Painters (Persagi). The association was founded in 1937 and marked the beginning of modern art history in Indonesia.

Sudjojono was famous for his exceptional skills in painting. He was the teacher to several Indonesian painters. He was also acknowledged as the first art critic in Indonesia.

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In 1937, Sudjojono showed his painting for the first time to the public with several European painters at Kunstkring Jakarya, Jakarta. The exhibition was a tremendous success and made him popular within the art society of Indonesia. 

Sudjojono was not just a painter; he was also a writer, soccer athlete, public speaker, and politician. In1955, Sudjojono was elected member of the parliament representing Indonesian Communist Party. However, in 1957, he resigned and left the party due to his rejection of atheism.

His monumental paintings include “Di Depan Kelambu Terbuka,” “Cap Go Meh,” “Pengungsi” and “Seko.” In 1970, Sudjojono was awarded the Art Prize by the Indonesian government. His works were sought after by many people around the world, which increased the price of his painting. Even after he died, on 25 March 1985, Sudjojono’s paintings were still exhibited in various art events and galleries.

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