Online Media to Have Bigger Chance: Nielsen

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  • AP Photo/Toshiba

VIVAnews - Nielsen Online Japan CEO, Charles Buchwalter, said online media audience in Indonesia compared to those accessing conventional media is relatively small at two percent, far below the US (12 percent) and Japan (10 percent).

However, the market will rapidly grow resulting in a bigger chance for online media to gain more ads.

"The possibility of online media to get more ads will still be there," he told VIVAnews today, June 3.

Buchwalter cited the popular social network site Facebook, of which users are now reaching 400 million. There are 2,000 users looking at a small ad displayed on Facebook page in every one minute.

Given the increasing number of online audience, Buchwalter suggested advertisers to allocate the budget to advertise on online media instead of focusing only on conventional media.

He emphasized the issue that the progress in online technology will not shut off conventional media.

"They say conventional media will disappear. It's not actually true because people can now both gain access to the Internet and watch TV," he said.

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Coverage by: Peni Widarti | Bali
Translated by: Bonardo Maulana W

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